Sunday, September 16, 2018

Under what circumstances may a company limited by shares write off preliminary expenses?

The writing off of preliminary expenses is the discretion of the company. The company may amortize the preliminary expenses over several according periods as may be determined in the Article of association or as per the decision of the Board of Directors meeting.

Under what circumstances may a company limited by shares pay interest out of capital.

Power of company to pay interest out of capital
Power of company to pay interest out of capital in certain cases where any shares of a company are issued for the purpose of raising money to defray the expenses of the construction of any works or building or the provision of any plant which cannot be made profitable for a lengthened period, the company may pay interest on so much of that share capital as is for the time being paid up for the period and subject to the conditions and restrictions in this and may charge the same to capital as part of the cost of construction of the work or building or the provision of plant.

Distinguish between member's voluntary winding up and creditor's voluntary winding up.

Members' voluntary winding up: When the company is solvent and is able to pay its debts in full, in which case it is not necessary to consult the creditors or call their meeting, then the company in general meeting must appoint one or more liquidators for winding up the affairs of the company and fix his or other remuneration. On such appointment, all the powers of the directors of the company come to an end except in so far as the company in general meeting, or the liquidator, sanctions the continuance thereof (Section 292).

Creditors' voluntary winding up: In the case of the creditors' voluntary winding up, the company is obliged to convene a meeting of the creditors on the day on which the meeting for passing the resolution for winding up is to be held. The company must send the notices of such meeting to the creditors simultaneously with the notice of the company's meeting. The duty of the creditors of the company is to cause a full statement of the position of the company's affairs, together with a list of the creditors of the company and the estimated amount of their claims, to be laid before the creditors' meeting to be held as aforesaid. They must also appoint one of their members to preside at the meeting. At the same meeting, the creditors and the company may respectively nominate a person to be a liquidator or the purpose of the winding up. lf they each nominate a different person, the one nominated by the creditors shall be the liquidator unless, on an application of any director, member or creditor of the company made within seven days after the date of the nomination by the creditors, the Court orders that the person nominated by the company shall be the liquidator instead of or jointly with the one nominated by the creditors (Section - 299).

What is meant by the term "ultra Vires"?

Meaning of the term "ultra Vires":

Any transaction, activity or business done by the Company beyond the power of the Memorandum and Articles of Association is "ultra vires" i.e. void. The Company cannot do anything outside the memorandum of association.

Application of Forensic Audit in Private and Public Sector Organizations

Forensic auditing has emerged as a powerful tool in both private and public sector organizations to combat fraud, ensure transparency, and m...