Tuesday, April 23, 2024




Name of the standards



Presentation of Financial Statements






Consolidated Financial Statements

Suspended in 1989 by IAS 27 & 28


Depreciation Accounting

Withdrawn in 1999


Information to be disclosed in Financial Statements

Suspended in 1998 by IAS 1


Accounting Responses to Changing Prices

Suspended by IAS 15 Which was withdrawn in December 2003


Cash Flow Statements



Accounting Policies, Changes in Accounting Estimates and Errors



Accounting for Research & Development Activities

Suspended by IAS 38 effective 1st July 1999

IAS 10

Events after the Balance Sheet Date


IAS 11

Construction Contracts

Suspended by IFRS 15 effective 1st January 2017

IAS 12

Income Taxes


IAS 13

Presentation of Current Asset & liabilities

Suspended by IAS 1 effective 1st July 1998

IAS 14

Statement Reporting


IAS 15

Information reflecting the effects of Changing Prices

Withdrawn in December 2003

IAS 16

Property, Plant and Equipment


IAS 17


Suspended by IFRS 16 effective 1st January 2019.

IAS 18


Suspended by IFRS 15 effective 1st January 2017.

IAS 19

Employee Benefits (1998 & 2011)

Employee Benefits - 1998 Suspended by IAS 19 (2011) effective 1st January 2013.

IAS 20

Accounting for Government Grants and Disclosure of Government Assistance  


IAS 21

The Effects of Changes in Foreign Exchange Rate


IAS 22

Business Combinations

Suspended by IFRS 3 effective 31st March 2004.

IAS 23

Borrowing Costs


IAS 24

Related Party Disclosure


IAS 25

Accounting For Investment

Suspended by IAS 39 & IAS 40 effective 2001.

IAS 26

Accounting and Reporting by Retirement Benefit Plans


IAS 27

Consolidated and Separated Financial Statements (2003 & 2011)

IAS - 27 (2003) - Suspended by IFRS 10 IFRS 12 & IAS 27 - 2011 Effective 1st January 2013

IAS 28

Investments in Associates

Suspended by IAS 28 - (2011) & IFRS 12 effective 1st January 2013.

IAS 29

Financial Reporting in Hyperinflationary Economies


IAS 30

Disclosure in the Financial Statements of Banks & Similar Financial Institutions

Suspended by IFRS 7 effective 1st January 2007.

IAS 31

Interests in Joint Ventures

Suspended by IFRS 11 & IFRS 12 effective 1st January 2013.

IAS 32

Financial Instrument: Presentation


IAS 33

Earnings Per Share


IAS 34

Interim Financial Reporting


IAS 35

Discontinued Operations

Suspended by IFRS 5 effective 1st January 2005.

IAS 36

Impairment of Assets


IAS 37

Provisions, Contingent Liabilities and Contingent Assets


IAS 38

Intangible Assets


IAS 39

Financial Instruments: Recognition and Measurement

Suspended by IFRS 9 where IFRS 9 is applied.

IAS 40

Investment Property


IAS 41





First-Time Adoption Of IFRSs



Share-Based Payment



Business Combinations



Insurance Contracts

Suspended By IFRS 17 as of 1 January 2023


Non-Current Assets Held For Sale And Discontinued Operations



Exploration For And Evaluation Of Mineral Resources



Financial Instruments: Disclosures



Operating Segments



Financial Instruments



Consolidated Financial Statements



Joint Arrangements



Disclosure Of Interests In Other Entities



Fair Value Measurement



Regulatory Deferral Accounts



Revenue From Contracts With Customers






Insurance Contracts



Tuesday, December 26, 2023

Earn by clicking ads

PTC site from where you can make money by clicking ads. Click here to join. https://www.probux.net/?r=Dowel

Friday, July 2, 2021

 Four types of people

Category 1: They know what they know. (These are excellent people because they can effectively use their ability in their respective field). 

Category 2: They know what they don't know. (These are good people because they will develop themselves).

Category 3: They don't know what they know. (These are bad people because they can never use their abilities)

Category 4: They don't know what they don't know. (These are worst people because they can never develop themselves. They always feel pride in spite of their inability.)

Saturday, August 1, 2020

Discuss the circumstances on which the court orders for winding up of a Company on "just and equitable" ground.

Just and equitable ground:-

lf the Court is of opinion that it is just and equitable if the company should be wound up, the company would be wound up compulsorily .The interpretation of just and equitable clause depends on the facts of each case, the Court may order winding up of a company in case of just and equitable ground :

1. When the object for which it was incorporated has substantially failed or it is impossible to carry on the business of the company except at a loss or the existing and provable assets are inadequate to meet the liabilities; or

2. When the majority of the shareholders are using their powers unfairly; or

3. Where there is a deadlock in the management of the company; or

4. Where public interest is likely to be prejudiced; or

5. When the company was formed to carry out fraudulent or illegal business;

6. When the company is a mere bubble and does not carry on any business.

Tuesday, April 7, 2020

Earning from home with Time Bucks.

 Here is a Website that can allow you to earn from home by doing simple tasks like:

1. Doing Surveys.
2. Clicking on Ads.
3. Sign up with different websites.
4. Captcha entry and many more

Please check here


Wednesday, September 18, 2019

Discuss the duties and functions of promoters. Directors and Auditors of a company

Duties and functions of Promoters:

The main duties and functions of a promoter is to undertake to form a Company with reference to agreement for the project. He has to handle all legal formalities for formation of a Company. 

Promoters may have three possible positions:
1. He may be a promoter to acquire the property for the company in which case, all the rules of agency would apply. Accordingly, any profit he may make will belong to the company.

2. He may acquire the property himself and then decide to form a Company and sell the property to it in which case no question of agency or trusteeship arises. He can make what bargain he chooses without being under any obligation to disclose the profits.

3. He may acquire the property with a view to resell it to the Company which he intends to promote, in which case he becomes bound by the fiduciary obligation and if he makes a profit he must disclose it to the Company.

Duties and functions of Directors:
1. Distribution of work: among the staff;
2. Every director must act honestly and in the interest of the Company;
3. A Director must exercise such degree of skill and diligence as would amount to the reasonable care.
4. A Director should perform his duties at a greater degree of skill.
5. A Director should attend the Board or other meetings and should act according to the decision of the meeting.
6. To hold the AGM.
7. To maintain proper books of accounts.
8. Recommendation of dividend.
9. Disclosure of information as required by the Act and as required by others Act, rules, regulations and regulatory authorities.

Duties and functions of Auditor:
The main duty of an Auditor of a Company is to express an independent opinion on the financial statements prepared by the company. The auditor should conduct the Audit in accordance with BSA to obtain a reasonable assurance about whether the financial statements are free from all material misstatements. The auditor shall inquire into the following.

a) Whether loans and advances made by the company on the basis of security which have been properly secured and whether the terms on which they have been made are not prejudicial to the interests of the company or its members.

b) Whether transactions of the company which arc represented merely as book-entries are prejudicial to the interests of the company.

c) Where the company is not an investment company or a banking company, whether so much of the assets of the company as consist of shares, debentures and other securities, have been sold at a price less than its purchased price by the company.

d) Whether personal expenses have been charged to revenue account.

e) Whether it is stated in the books and paper of the company that any shares have been allotted for cash, whether cash has actually been received in respect of such allotment and if no cash has actually been so received, whether the position as stated in the accounts, books and the balance sheet is correct, regular and not misleading.

Friday, August 16, 2019

Draft a hypothetical resolution of transfer of shares to be adopted by a board of directors.

Minutes of 120th Board Meeting held on 4th March 2007 of ABC Co. Ltd. at its registered office House No. 5, Road No. 16, Dhanmondi, Dhaka.

A meeting of the Board of Director of Tanmoy Company limited was held on —at its registered office.

Following members of the Board were present:
1. Mr. X
2. Mr. Y
3. Mr. Z

Mr. X, Chairman of the Board presided over the meeting.

Following business were transacted in the meeting:

Agenda: 1 Proposal of transfer of shares of shareholder Mr. T

The board was informed that Mr. T applied for transfer of 100 shares from his name to Mr. K and form 117 and related share certificates were submitted duly for necessary action. After discussion the Board decided as follows:

"The proposal for transfer of shares is approved".

As there being no other issues to discuss the meeting ended with vote of thanks to and from the Chair.

Mr. L                                                                              Mr. X
Company Secretary                                                      Chairman of the Board of Directors

State the time limit for registration of transfer of shares.

Completion of share transfer

As per clause 12(2) of listings regulations the Company shall complete share transfer and have those ready for delivery the share certificates lodged for registration of transfer within 45 days of the application for such transfer and its registration.

Draft a specimen notice of refusal to register transfer of shares.

A specimen notice of refusal to register transfer of shares.


I do hereby beg to draw your kind self that the Board of Directors in the meeting held on……………………. Declined to recognize the transfer of enclosed number of shares as applied by you on …………………….. due to the non submission of form 117 from your end.


By order of the board.
Company Secretary.

Saturday, June 15, 2019

VAT Consultant Appointment Exam in Bangladesh related SRO 2019 (বাংলাদেশে ভ্যাট কনসালট্যান্ট নিয়োগ পরীক্ষা সংক্রান্ত বিজ্ঞপ্তি ২০১৯।)

বাংলাদেশে ভ্যাট কনসালট্যান্ট নিয়োগ পরীক্ষা সংক্রান্ত বিজ্ঞপ্তি ২০১৯।

নিচের লিংক এ ক্লিক করুন।


Monday, April 22, 2019

In what circumstances can the directors decline a transfer of shares?

Clause 20(1) of Schedule -I:

The directors may decline to register any transfer of shares not being fully paid up shares, to a person of whom they do not approve, and may also decline lo register any transfer of shares on which the company has lien. The directors may suspend the registration of transfer during the fourteen days immediately preceding the ordinary general meetings in each year. The directors may decline to recognize any instrument of transfer or refuse to register such transfer, unless –

a) the instrument of transfer is accompanied by the certificate of share to which it relates; and 

b) Such evidence as the Directors may reasonably require showing the right of the transferor to make the transfer has been furnished.

c) Form 117 is duly filled up.

Differentiate between ordinary resolution, special resolution and extra ordinary resolution.

Ordinary Resolution:

This is passed by the majority vole of members present at a general meeting. Such a resolution is passed in the ordinary way and deals with ordinary business, such as passing of accounts, appointing directors, auditors, and declaration of dividends and so on.

Special resolution:
This is passed in a general meeting by the three-fourths majority of the members present in person or by proxy, provided notice for such meeting specifying the intention to propose the resolution is given at least twenty-one days before the date of the meeting. Special resolutions are required -

a) to change the name of the company with consent of the registrar;
b) to alter the memorandum;
c) to alter the articles etc.

Extra Ordinary resolution:

This is passed by such majority vote at a meeting of which 21 days notice has been given. The notice must specify the intention to propose the resolution as an extra-ordinary resolution [Section-87(i)]. Such resolution is necessary when a company is sought to be wound-up voluntarily on the ground of that it cannot continue its business on account of its liabilities and also for a number of other reasons.

Wednesday, February 13, 2019

Earning by some simple clicks everyday

Earning by some simple clicks everyday

Patience needed

Just 4 Clicks Every day, your referrals will earn for you.

All of us are using internet nowadays, we use internet for some silly works everyday like browsing, watching funny videos e.t.c I think you will become surprised if I tell you that you can earn Dollars by watching ads, Playing games or doing some mini jobs every day.  Yes it is possible and this will not take long time just few minutes every day. 

I am going to introduce a website NEOBUX which is a PTC Site that can make it happen. Now what is PTC site, A PTC site is a site which can give you Dollars if you watch ads. There are many ways in NEOBUX which can generate Dollars.

  • 1.     Watching Ads.
    2.      From Direct Referrals.
    3.      From Indirect Referrals.
    4.      Playing Games.
    5.      Doing Mini Jobs.
    6.      Others

Now let’s go in Detail:

  Watching Ads: The major Earning source is Ads Viewing. For Every Ads NEOBUX pays $0.001 for standard members and every day you can click at least 10 advertisements so you can earn $0.001 X 10 = $.01 Daily, Yes I know this amount cannot draw your attention. But read my full article then you definitely find the way. Click every day for Sixty days. So you can earn $0.001 X 10 X 60 = $0.60 Beside Clicking ads you can play games, and do mini jobs so that you can make $0.60 within few days or even in 1 day by clicking addclicks where you can get a free Golden membership also.

       From Direct Referrals: You can invite your friends and relatives who can join by using your links so that they can be your direct referrals. For every click of your Direct Referrals you will receive a Commission which will increase your Earnings. But don’t worry if you can’t manage direct referrals. Still you have another way which Indirect Referrals.

       From Indirect Referrals: Indirect referrals are those who are the Direct Purchase by you. Once you Click 100 Ads and you have $0.6 in your Account then you can buy 3 Referrals who are your Indirect Referrals. From Every Indirect Referrals you will receive $0.005 per Click for 4 clicks daily. So the Calculation is

$0.005 X 3Referrals X 4 Clicks = $ 0.06 Daily 

You can rent the referrals for 30 days and after that you need to renew them for another 30 Days.

So for 30 Days if all the Referrals stay active then the earnings = $0.06 X 30 Days = $1.80

But all the Indirect referrals my not click actively so you need to accept some variations from the above calculation. You need to manage them in a Profitable way. Here is a tip for managing indirect referrals profitably.

Following Calculations based on 30 Days.

Estimated Revenue     = $1.80
Cost of 3 Referrals      = $0.60

Maximum Clicks Available (4 Clicks X 30 Days X 3 Referrals) = 360 Clicks. Minimum Clicks needed to recover cost are 120 (40 Clicks per Referral for 30 days). Average clicks per referral are 1.33 (40 Clicks / 30 days). If a referral does not click 1.33 in average then never renew that referral because it will neither recover your cost nor generate any revenue, so the break even clicks are 1.33 per referrals.

If you can manage 300 active Referrals then your earnings per day will be = 300 Referrals X 4 Clicks X $0.005 = $6 per day and $180 per Month.   

Playing Games: Another Opportunity to earn Dollars from NEOBUX is playing games. Each Game provides $0.001 for 2 minutes Play only.  

     Doing Mini Jobs: The most important way to earn Dollars from NEOBUX is Doing Mini Jobs. There are many jobs available which will take few minutes to complete and provide earnings ranging from 0.75 cents to 4.00 cents also. This could be a great way to earn Dollars faster. 
    Others: Beside the above ways there are still some other ways like clicking ADDPRIZES which is like a Jackpot, from where you can get Dollars and Golden Membership as a gift. You can complete the coin offers and doing surveys also for earning Dollars.
If someone apply the above strategy and keep patience in his/her mind then it is possible to earn a lot from NEOBUX. As we know Success Takes Time so we need to keep patience and continue our clicking every day.  



Application of Forensic Audit in Private and Public Sector Organizations

Forensic auditing has emerged as a powerful tool in both private and public sector organizations to combat fraud, ensure transparency, and m...