Saturday, January 19, 2019

How does the winding up affect the position of officers of the company?

Winding up affecting the position of officers

As per Section - 252(3), a winding-up order by the court executed as a dismissal or discharge of the servant of the Company. Such discharge relieves the servant from all obligations under his contract of
service. The powers of the directors are also usually ceased on the winding-up of a Company.

(a) Misfeasance: Under section 331, if any promoter, director, liquidator or officer of the Company has misapplied or retained money or property of the Company or has been guilty of misfeasance or breach of trust, the court may, on the application of the liquidator or of any creditor or contributory, examine into his conduct and order him to repay or restore money or property or to pay compensation.

(b) Criminal Liability: Section-332 provides punishment for falsification, or fraudulent secretion of any of the books, papers of securities of the Company which is being wound-up.


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